Monday, September 14, 2009

you learn something about yourself each day! :)

I guess I never thought I would get a blog cause I thought this would be like a more mature version of xanga and I'm about right? haha but for a while I've been thinking about getting one and here I am!

I think the main reason for this is for me to feel connected to my closest friends who I miss a lot secretly :(

So my days at college, you're curious right? :) 

I'm still super clumsy. But I'm slowly mastering the microwave. I say slowly cause I had to re-cook ramen 3 times tonight

& during my first week, I almost set off my dorm's fire alarm with my burnt toast. To be fair, the size of my toast is ridiculous huge so I had to toast both sides... I don't eat toast anymore

&& the hills are deadly for me! I'm tripping everywhere, seriously :( & for those that have giggled at my secret ambition, I've given up on skateboarding :*(

final words: blogs are suppose to be all deep right? haha ok here's my sliiice cause college has been enlightening :)

I've always thought I liked have "zero distance" with the people around me. but I've realized that over these few days that I'm actually super selective :( I wana break down some waaallls

I've always also thought that I don't get attached to places. For one, I believe I carry "home" with me cause "home" is made of the people, not the place itself. But I can see how people can get attached to a room they've lived in all their lives, just not me. But I miss my days in Irvine.

idk if i'll stick with this but over with this super lengthy post

byebye loves, I wana know what's going on in your lives!


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